Thursday, July 15, 2010

We'll Have Fun Despite the Cold

Well, the coldest early summer in any of our lifetimes didn't slow us down too much. I've uploaded the June and July photos so far:

In June, we took the girls to the Portland Zoo for the first time. It was freezing! I had coats for everyone but me and had to buy a long sleeved shirt. The girls are still talking about the giraffes and elephants. They had fun on the jungle drums, and Anya got a giraffe in her zoo meal that proceeded to pee all over the zoo.


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Jumping is very popular around here, although sometimes little sister's prowess seems to cause Anya some degree of consternation.

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The Molalla Fourth of July parade was much better this year, and the girls quickly figured out to jump and wave for candy. The were probably most impressed by the horse on top of a trailer, with the fire truck running a close second.

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Here's the monthly fashion update:

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And Anya's most recent family portrait:


July has finally decided to warm up, so here's a day of pool fun with the Swamp Thing (a.k.a Daddy). You'll also notice something a little different about Sean...yup, he finally shaved his head! I think it looks even better than I thought it would!

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And lastly, yes, I will still get the videos uploaded to Flickr someday. But now I gotta go, because Willow is tugging on my arm, dressed in a striped onesie and a princess crown, telling me I need to come out into the living room and party hard.