Friday, August 10, 2007

Cayman Islands

 Okay, I've decided to be better about updating the frontpage of the site! You can also now sign up for an RSS feed to be notified when I make updates.

We were in the Cayman Islands July 13 -21. It was wonderful! I got my scuba diving certification (Sean already has his). The water was 86 degrees with 60+ feet of visibility. God's creation is truly a wonder to behold!

You can check out our pics by clicking on the Our Photos tab from the menu above.

10 Month Checkup

Anya is doing great! Here are her stats:

Weight: 17 lbs, 8 oz (35%)

Height: 29 1/3" (84%)

Head Circumference: 44 cm (56%)

No shots this time!

Doctor thinks she will walk early as she is already cruising and attempting to stand on her own. She still alternates between a commando style crawl and regular crawling and is quite fast! She says Mama, Dada and we think we've heard both "Belle" and "milk".

She's still not really big on food, particularly her solids, but she really enjoys feeding the dogs her veggie puffs.

She waves "hi" (we're working on more sign language) and make sure to tell her to do her "tough potato" next time you see her!