Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Once again - the amaaaazzzing Willow!

I managed to catch this little act last night...and she was standing up in her crib this morning. We'd better start getting ready for a walking Willow!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cute Things Willow Says and Does #1

  • She signs the word "milk" over and over again while nursing
  • The other day she yelled "Aya!" with a big grin when she first saw Anya in the morning
  • She growls a lot. As her Uncle Jake did this too, it must be genetic.
  • She is obsessed with the water dish. She heads straight for it as soon as I set her down.
  • She got a new tooth 2/11 - upper right front
  • She pulled herself to standing on the windowsill 2/13
  • She climbed up two stairs 2/14 (scared the crap outta me!)
  • Update: New tooth today February 15 - upper left incisor. It snuck up on me because I was watching the right front tooth come in!
  • Grandpa's hook is her favorite chew toy (listen for the clinking of her teeth against the steel in the video)


Cute Things Anya Says and Does #6

  • I was cleaning unknown sticky stuff from the dining chairs today and Anya said "clean chairs?" quizzically. I said "yes, they are sticky from your messy hands". With clear remorse, she said "I gotta do somefing bout dat. I sorry."
  • Later, she decided to help clean by taking a dirty napkin, dipping it in the pets' water dish and washing the baseboards.
  • She woke up from a nap a couple of days ago screaming "mama! mama! ladybug! ladybug". Evidently, she is scared of them.
  • We came outside this morning and some fog had settled in, she exclaimed "foggy! ribbit! ribbit!"
  • IMG_8841She is now sleeping in a toddler bed, and when we say it's time for nap or nighttime, says proudly "I big girl bed"
  • She sat down between us and said "I love you. The whole family!"
  • When SkippyJon gets sprayed with a water bottle for getting up somewhere he shouldn't, she says "uh oh, he's in trouble!"
  • She shook Willow's hand out of the blue and said "Hi Willow, nice ta meetcha"
  • She has to imitate everything Willow does - see the video under "Willow's Getting Close to Walking" for an example
  • They smashed cones at Soccer Tots last week and now she likes to run around yelling "Smash!! Smash!!"
  • She LOVES to go over a whole bunch of people's names, and name the street we live on



Willow's Getting Close to Walking!

A couple of days ago she faced this conundrum unsuccessfully:


But then just Friday this is what she was doing!

Welcome Home Uncle Jake & Happy Birthday Eli


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Presenting the Singing & Dancing Talents of Anya

So we got a spiffy new little video camera that is much easier to take along, so you'll be seeing more video here. Let's get started with these little gems: