Monday, November 24, 2008

Cute Things that Anya Says and Does #5

  • Slipped yesterday morning in the bathroom and exclaimed "Holy Crap!" Oops. Bad mommy.
  • Last Saturday they made turkeys out of construction paper and a popsicle stick at Sunday School. She said gobble, gobble, gobble all the way home, and said "more turkey?" the next morning as soon as she got up.
  • She loves to dance to Barney songs. Dancing involves running in a big circle in the living room.
  • Truthfulness is hit and miss. When asked if she had a stinky diaper (which she obviously did), she paused to think, "hmmmm, don't think so."
  • This morning, I took her up with me to try to listen in on a phone call that Sean was making to our lender. Anya started being too noisy so I had to take her back downstairs, and she was very upset about this. She found her play cell phone, flipped it open, said "hello" and then started some babbling with a tone like she was tattling. I asked her if she was talking on the phone like Daddy and she ignored me and held up her finger like we do when she interrupts us on the phone.


Pam said...

Good news is she's really smart - bad news is she's really smart!