Thursday, December 25, 2008

White Christmas 2008

IMG_8310How sweet - Willow's first Christmas was a w hite Christmas! Since we didn't know when we were moving, we hastily put up a tree the weekend before Christmas, and went ahead and hosted Christmas Eve at our place with Sean's mom's family. Christmas Day we had his dad's family over and then headed over to my parent's place to celebrate with them and Natalie and the boys.

Then Christmas night we headed home to take down the decorations and get things ready for the movers to start packing the next day! More on our move in another post.

Christmas morning was very fun this year - Anya is really starting to get in to the whole present concept.


Willow's new stocking - she got lots of fun little rattles and such.


This is the first year that Anya could unpack her own stocking.


Her plush Darth Vader was a big hit. She yelled Darth Vader! in a really high pitched voice when she opened it.


Willow's big gift was a rocking tiger...


But the wrapping paper seemed to be her favorite.


Anya also got a box of playsilks made by mama, and a Leapster 2.