Sunday, April 27, 2008


Willow Ruby Beebe

was born today, April 26, 2008 at 1:14am at the Dent Beebe home
7lbs 10oz
20 inches
After a 2 hour labor and water birth early this morning mom and baby are doing great. Pictures are up under "Our Photos"

Click on image for full-size, printable version

"Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is."
Psalm 34:8 (The Message)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No Baby Yet: Update

Just thought I would let you know where I'm at. Last Thursday, I was having a LOT of contractions, and the midwife came and checked me out. There were various signs she found that convinced her that I would be having the baby within a day or so tops.

Throughout Thursday, Friday and Saturday I continued to have contractions and was getting very worn out. She checked me again on Saturday and discovered that I hadn't been progressing at all and some of the signs were now gone! All that hard work was accomplishing nothing other than making Amy VERY tired and cranky! :P

She also feels that Willow is still a bit small and it would be best to try to carry at least another week (not that there would be a problem if I delivered now, but just to give her all the time she needs to grow) instead of trying to encourage real labor to begin or consider inducing, we're now trying to keep it from happening and calm down the contractions so I can stay strong for delivery and let it happen when it happens.

I'm not on bedrest, but I'm supposed to be taking it verrrry easy and not exercising, walking a lot, etc. I'm still able to care for Anya with Sean's help, and the contractions are less frequent.

I appreciate your continued prayers for our family, and that the delivery happens with God's timing rather than with mine. :)

I promise that everyone will know when it happens for sure - check back here for more interim updates, otherwise no news means nothing new to report!