Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Willow's 4 Month Checkup

Height: 25" (64%)
Weight: 12 lbs, 10 oz (16%)
Head Circumference: 41 1/2" (51%)

Only two shots, she's on a modified/delayed vaccination schedule

So it looks like we'll have another petite girl - she and Anya were the same height and head circumference at this age, but Anya weighed 14 lbs, 1 oz! Our doc is not concerned about Willow's weight - she's bright, smiley, strong and very active. She may be burning more calories than many babies at this age because she's been rolling over since 2 months and scoots all over the crib.


Nicole LH Medeiros said...

So the exact oppisite of my HUGE babies! They are so cute. I love how fearless Anya is at the pool...and blown away how well it looks like she swims!!!